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(𝐸) and (𝑍)-1,4-Diphenyl-2-(2-Phenyl-1𝐻-Benzo[𝑑]Imidazol-1- Yl)But-2-Ene-1,4-Dione
Journal of Crystallography (2014)
  • Sarfaraz Ahmed
  • Niyaz A. Mir
  • Tariq A. Shah
  • Waseem Raza
  • M. Muneer
  • Nigam P. Rath
The title compound C29H20N2O2 adopts  and  geometry about olefinic C14–C22 bond, where the benzoyl group at C22 and benzimidazole group at C14 lie on the opposite sides and on the same side across the olefinic bond, respectively. In  configuration the phenyl groups of both benzoyl moieties are almost perpendicular to benzimidazole ring while the phenyl of benzimidazole at C7 is oriented at an angle of 30.76 (5)° to the mean plane of the benzimidazole ring. On the other hand in  configuration the phenyl group at C7 of benzimidazole ring is oriented at an angle of 38.44 (7)° to the mean plane of the benzimidazole ring while the phenyl rings of benzoyl moieties at C15 and C23 lie at an angle of 16.07 (9)° and 40.29 (6)°, respectively, to the mean plane of the benzimidazole ring. The observed bond distances and bond angles fall within the normal accepted range of values.
Publication Date
May 27, 2014
Publisher Statement

Citation Information
Sarfaraz Ahmed, Niyaz A. Mir, Tariq A. Shah, Waseem Raza, et al.. "(𝐸) and (𝑍)-1,4-Diphenyl-2-(2-Phenyl-1𝐻-Benzo[𝑑]Imidazol-1- Yl)But-2-Ene-1,4-Dione" Journal of Crystallography Vol. 2014 (2014) p. 1 - 6
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