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Cape Gelidonya
INA Annual
  • Nicolle E Hirschfeld, Trinity University
  • G. F Bass
  • C. Pulak
  • H. Özdaş
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In early August 2010, INA Director Danielle Feeney, stalwart supporter of so many INA projects, dropped anchor in the small seaside village of Adrasan and picked up the four surviving members of the 1960 expedition to Gelidonya: George and Ann Bass, Claude Duthuit, and Waldemar Illing. Feeney's yacht, Andrea, brought the reunited team to the sliver of a beach that was home during the long, hot summer a half century earlier, when it was demonstrated that underwater discovery could be archaeology. The following day, Andrea returned again and this time George, Claude, and Wlady dove on the wreck site, accompanied by Harun Özdaş (Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir), scientific director of the 2010 project. That visit was the emotional highlight of the 2010 season at Cape Gelidonya, a project catalyzed by the 50th anniversary of the original expedition. But the summer's most fitting tribute to that benchmark was its contribution to a continuing better understanding of the ship that wrecked at Gelidonya -- a result not only of work in the field, but also in laboratories, museum storerooms, and libraries.

Institute of Nautical Archaeology
Citation Information
Hirschfeld, N., Bass, G.F., Pulak, C., & Özdaş, H. (2010). INA Annual, 2010, 18-25.