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Self-beliefs instrument
  • Nicole A Mills, University of Pennsylvania
  • Frank Pajares, Emory University
  • Carol Herron, Emory University
This self-beliefs instrument assesses French grade self-efficacy, French learning self-concept, Self-efficacy for self-regulation, French learning anxiety, and Perceived value of language and culture. This instrument was used in the following study: Mills, N. A., Pajares, F., & Herron, C. (2007) Self-efficacy of college intermediate French students: Relation to achievement and motivation. Language Learning, 57 (3), 417-442.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Mills, N. A., Pajares, F., & Herron, C. (2007) Self-efficacy of college intermediate French students: Relation to Achievement and Motivation. Language Learning, 57(3), 417-442.