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A Review of Thermal Rectification Observations and Models in SolidMaterials
Journal of Thermal Sciences
  • Nicholas A. Roberts, Utah State University
  • D. G. Walker
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Thermal rectification is a phenomenon in which thermal transport along a specific axis is dependent upon the sign of the temperature gradient or heat current. This phenomenon offers improved thermal management of electronics as size scales continue to decrease and new technologies emerge by having directions of preferred thermal transport. For most applications where thermally rectifying materials could be of use they would need to exhibit one direction with high thermal conductivity to allow for efficient transport of heat from heat generating components to a sink and one direction with low conductivity to insulate the temperature and heat flux sensitive components. In the process of understanding and developing these materials multiple mechanisms have been found which produce thermally rectifying behavior and much work has been and is being done to improve our understanding of the mechanisms and how these mechanisms can be used with our improved ability to fabricate at the nanoscale to produce efficient materials which have high levels of thermal rectification.

Citation Information
N.A. Roberts and D.G. Walker, A Review of Thermal Rectification Observati ons and Models in Solid Materials, International Journal of Thermal Sciences,50, 5, 648-662, 2011.