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Legal Actions Against Mountain Valley Pipeline Underscore Grassroots Activism’s Importance
Oxford Human Rights Hub (2018)
  • Nicholas F. Stump, West Virginia University College of Law
The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is a 303-mile U.S. interstate project currently under construction that would transport fracked natural gas from northern West Virginia through southwest Virginia. The MVP is highly controversial due to its immediate Appalachian environmental and human community impacts, in addition to its exacerbation of climate change. Numerous legal actions have therefore been initiated to halt the MVP including, most notably, federal litigation efforts. Appalachian activists occupy a central role in such legal actions, as illustrated by joint grassroots organization participation in litigation. What is more, other Appalachian citizens have engaged in broader resistance actions (e.g., tree sit-type direct actions) that have substantially raised public awareness on MVP issues.  
  • Environmental Litigation,
  • Grassroots Activism,
  • Critical Legal Theory,
  • Civil Disobedience
Publication Date
Summer August 9, 2018
Citation Information
Nicholas F. Stump. "Legal Actions Against Mountain Valley Pipeline Underscore Grassroots Activism’s Importance" Oxford Human Rights Hub (2018)
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