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About Neville Chiavaroli

BAppSci LaT, BA(Hons) Melb, MPhil Camb, MEd Melb

Neville Chiavaroli is a Principal Research Fellow in the Tertiary Education Research program, specialising in Assessment and Selection research. In this role he provides assessment consultancy and advice to medical colleges and health professional associations, university departments, and other organisations involved in professional education and training. He has particular expertise in high stakes and summative assessment practices, written and clinical assessment methods, professional certification, programmatic assessment, standard setting, and student/trainee selection methods and processes. His research interests include assessment design and practice, validity, selection theory and practice, the medical/health humanities, and learning in the affective domain.


2019 - Present Principal Research Fellow, Educational Monitoring and Research, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

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Refereed Articles (43)