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Faculty & Staff Authored Books
  • Uxue Alberdi
  • Nere Lete, Boise State University

From the birth in 1982 of the protagonist, Nagore Vargas, to the novel's end in 2014, Jenisjoplin is not only the journey of Nagore's life but also that of the Basque Country through the last three decades—a journey from a culture of heroes to a culture of the vulnerable; from times of face-to-face confrontations to silent wars; from times of violence to times of guilt; from times of communal consciousness to times of individualism; from times of principles to times of self-preservation; from times of unrest in the streets to times of staying at home...

Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, Reno
Publication Date

This work was translated by Nere Lete from the original Basque written by Uxue Alberdi.

Citation Information
Alberdi, Uxue. (2021). Jenisjoplin. (Nere Lete, Trans.). Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, Reno. (Original work published 2017).