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Germination of Eurotia Lanata in Relation to Temperature and Salinity
Ecology (1967)
  • Neil E. West, Utah State University
Seed collected from four native stands of winterfat (Eurotia lanata (Pursh) Moq.) in Utah were germinated at six levels of sodium chloride under two temperature regimes. Germination percentages differed significantly between seed sources and also between sodium chloride levels. Each seed source decreased in germination percentage as the sodium chloride level increased. The seed sources interacted significantly with sodium chloride levels and although not statistically significant, the seed source interaction with temperature also appears important. Genetic differences within the species enable some strains to germinate more successfully than other strains at certain levels of temperature and sodium chloride.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Neil E. West. "Germination of Eurotia Lanata in Relation to Temperature and Salinity" Ecology Vol. 48 Iss. 4 (1967) p. 659 - 661
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