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Strong CH+ J = 1–0 emission and absorption in DR21
Astronomy & Astrophysics (2010)
  • E. Falgarone
  • V. Ossenkopf
  • M. Gerin
  • P. Lesaffre
  • B. Godard
  • J. Pearson
  • S. Cabrit
  • Ch. Joblin
  • A. O. Benz
  • F. Boulanger
  • A. Fuente
  • R. Güsten
  • A. Harris
  • T. Klein
  • C. Kramer
  • S. Lord
  • P. Martin
  • J. Martin-Pintado
  • D. Neufeld
  • T. G. Phillips
  • M. Röllig
  • R. Simon
  • J. Stutzki
  • F. van der Tak
  • D. Teyssier
  • H. Yorke
  • Neal A. Erickson, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • M. Fich
  • W. Jellema
  • A. Marston
  • C. Risacher
  • M. Salez
  • F. Schmülling

We report the first detection of the ground-state rotational transition of the methylidyne cation CH+ towards the massive star-forming region DR21 with the HIFI instrument onboard the Herschel satellite. The line profile exhibits a broad emission line, in addition to two deep and broad absorption features associated with the DR21 molecular ridge and foreground gas. These observations allow us to determine a CH+ J=1-0 line frequency of 835137 +/- 3 MHz, in good agreement with a recent experimental determination. We estimate the CH+ column density to be a few 1e13 cm^-2 in the gas seen in emission, and > 1e14 cm^-2 in the components responsible for the absorption, which is indicative of a high line of sight average abundance [CH+]/[H] > 1.2x10^-8. We show that the CH+ column densities agree well with the predictions of state-of-the-art C-shock models in dense UV-illuminated gas for the emission line, and with those of turbulent dissipation models in diffuse gas for the absorption lines.

  • astrochemistry,
  • ISM: molecules,
  • ISM: kinematics and dynamics,
  • turbulence
Publication Date
July, 2010
Publisher Statement
This is the pre-published version harvested from arXiv. The published version is located at
Citation Information
E. Falgarone, V. Ossenkopf, M. Gerin, P. Lesaffre, et al.. "Strong CH+ J = 1–0 emission and absorption in DR21" Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 518 Iss. L118 (2010)
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