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Extended [C I] and 13^CO (5 → 4) Emission in M17SW
The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2000)
  • J. E. Howe
  • M. L. N. Ashby
  • E. A. Bergin
  • G. Chin
  • Neal A. Erickson, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • P. F. Goldsmith
  • M. Harwit
  • D. J. Hollenbach
  • M. J. Kaufman
  • S. C. Kleiner
  • D. G. Koch
  • D. A. Neufeld
  • B. M. Patten
  • R. Plume
  • R. Schieder
  • R. L. Snell
  • J. R. Stauffer
  • V. Tolls
  • Z. Wang
  • G. Winnewisser
  • Y. F. Zhang
  • G. J. Melnick

We mapped a 13 by 22 pc region in emission from 492 GHz [C I] and, for the first time, 551 GHz ^{13}CO(5-4) in the giant molecular cloud M17SW, using the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite. The morphologies of the [C I] and ^{13}CO emission are strikingly similar. The extent and intensity of the [C I] and ^{13}CO(5-4) emission is explained as arising from photodissociation regions on the surfaces of embedded molecular clumps. Modeling of the ^{13}CO(5-4) emission in comparison to ^{13}CO(1-0) indicates a temperature gradient across the cloud, peaking to at least 63 K near the M17 ionization front and decreasing to at least 20 K at the western edge of the cloud. We see no correlation between gas density and column density. The beam-averaged column density of C I in the core is 1x10^{18} cm^-2, and the mean column density ratio N(C I)/N(CO) is about 0.4. The variations of N(C I)/N(CO) with position in M17SW indicate a similar clump size distribution throughout the cloud.

  • ISM: individual (M17SW),
  • ISM: molecules,
  • ISM: structure,
  • radio lines: ISM; submillimeter
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This is the pre-published version harvested from arXiv. The published version is located at
Citation Information
J. E. Howe, M. L. N. Ashby, E. A. Bergin, G. Chin, et al.. "Extended [C I] and 13^CO (5 → 4) Emission in M17SW" The Astrophysical Journal Letters Vol. 539 Iss. 2 (2000)
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