Extensive new data on the odd-parity, single-colour, two-photon optogalvanic spectra of argon in the visible region is reported using an excimer-pumped dye laser in conjunction with an argon discharge cell. The experimental technique enables us to record a pure two-photon spectrum in a region which is dominated by one-photon transitions. A large number of two-photon transitions, originating from the two metastable states [...] and [...] to the excited states of configurations [...] (J=0, 2) and [...] (J = 0 - 4) of argon, has been recorded and arranged into 10 Rydberg series. The interchannel interactions among the [...] and the [...], n d J = 2 channels and the [...] and the [...] J = 3 channels have been studied using the multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT). In addition, higher members of the two-photon parity forbidden [...] series have also been detected.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/naveed_piracha/13/