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Hydrocephalus and bipolar affective disorder
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine (2011)
  • Naveed Rizvi, Western University
  • Marie Whitty
  • Robert Daly
Bipolar disorder can emerge in the context of organic brain pathology. In the case presented, long-standing hydrocephalus was diagnosed in a man with relatively late-onset bipolar illness who presented initially with somewhat atypical, treatment-resistant depressive symptoms. Hypomania, followed by a rapid-cycling bipolar course, subsequently developed. This report reviews the association between bipolar disorder and hydrocephalus, and examines possible neurobiological mechanisms implicated in both conditions.
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Citation Information
Naveed Rizvi, Marie Whitty and Robert Daly. "Hydrocephalus and bipolar affective disorder" Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine (2011)
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