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Comparing goals to outcomes for graduates of a competency-based education program
Journal of Competency-Based Education (2020)
  • Michelle Navarre Cleary
The case for the efficacy of competency‐based education (CBE) has been hampered by the lack of research on the outcomes of CBE programs. Because so many programs are relatively new, the outcomes data that have been published do not extend much beyond graduation. In addition, it focuses almost exclusively on job‐related outcomes even though CBE learners have multiple goals.
This study seeks to assess the enduring outcomes of a CBE program by comparing the goals students articulated upon starting the program to the outcomes they identified several years after it.
The initial goals that 68 graduates articulated when they began this program were used to develop a survey that was sent to the 58 students for whom contact information was available. Thirty‐three responded to the survey, resulting in a 57% response rate.
Results & Discussion
This CBE program had an enduring positive impact on the goals the students articulated when they started the program. Students started the program with more professional and personal than social goals, and they reported more professional and personal outcomes. The impact of the CBE program was most pronounced in personal outcomes.
This study offers a limited contribution to the nascent research into the efficacy of CBE. It raises several questions for further study, including the extent to which the primary value of CBE is degree completion.
  • adult learners,
  • competency-based education,
  • efficacy,
  • learner goals,
  • outcomes,
  • postgraduate outcomes
Publication Date
Fall 2020
Citation Information
Michelle Navarre Cleary. "Comparing goals to outcomes for graduates of a competency-based education program" Journal of Competency-Based Education (2020)
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