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Making the Rainbow: A Cost-Effective, Reproducible, and Scalable Method for Quantum Dot Fabrication
Biophysical Journal (2019)
  • Taylor V. Douglas
  • Aubrie A. Weyhmiller
  • Kayla A. Callaway
  • Nathaniel V. Nucci, Rowan University
Quantum dots are nanoscale semiconductor crystals with optoelectronic properties that have a variety of applications which include biomedical imaging, quantum computing, and communication devices. The optoelectronic properties of quantum dots are closely related to their size. Therefore, the fabrication method of quantum dots is crucial in producing dots with specific properties. We are using reverse-micelles to control quantum dot crystal formation as this approach offers a cost-effective, reproducible, and most importantly, scalable method for quantum dot fabrication. Reverse micelles are spontaneously organizing nanoemulsions composed of a small aqueous volume, surfactant, and bulk organic solvent. This work analyzes how factors such as pH, bulk solvent viscosity, and varied surfactant/water loading to solvent ratios affects the film potential, intermicellar exchange rates, and size of CdS quantum dot formation within micelles. Control of these properties is critical in reproducible production of quantum dots of specific colors and sizes. ∗TD, AW, and KC contributed equally to this work.
Publication Date
February 1, 2019
Citation Information
Taylor V. Douglas, Aubrie A. Weyhmiller, Kayla A. Callaway and Nathaniel V. Nucci. "Making the Rainbow: A Cost-Effective, Reproducible, and Scalable Method for Quantum Dot Fabrication" Biophysical Journal Vol. 116 Iss. 3 (2019)
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