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Validating a multiple mini-interview question bank assessing entry-level reasoning skills in candidates for graduate-entry medicine and dentistry programmes.
Medical Education (2009)
  • Chris Roberts, University of Sydney
  • Nathan Zoanetti, University of Melbourne
  • Imogene Rothnie, University of Sydney
The multiple mini‐interview (MMI) was initially designed to test non‐cognitive characteristics related to professionalism in entry‐level students. However, it may be testing cognitive reasoning skills. Candidates to medical and dental schools come from diverse backgrounds and it is important for the validity and fairness of the MMI that these background factors do not impact on their scores.
  • Multiple mini interview (MMI),
  • Non-cognitive characteristics,
  • Entry level students,
  • Medical students,
  • Dental school,
  • Medical school,
  • Student background
Publication Date
April 1, 2009
Citation Information
Chris Roberts, Nathan Zoanetti and Imogene Rothnie. "Validating a multiple mini-interview question bank assessing entry-level reasoning skills in candidates for graduate-entry medicine and dentistry programmes." Medical Education Vol. 43 Iss. 4 (2009) p. 350 - 359
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