IRresistable: How an IR (Institutional Repository) can improve library collections while preserving the past
MU IR Day: April 11, 2013
MU - IR Day, Flatwoods, WV
Start Date
11-4-2013 3:30 PM
End Date
11-4-2013 4:45 PM
Marshall University’s IR team will discuss the creation, progress, and benefits of the Marshall Digital Scholar, an online institutional repository. There will be time for libraries, large and small, to ask questions about digital collecting and digital projects.
Citation Information
Monica Brooks, David Evans, Tim Tamminga, Jingping Zhang, et al.. "IRresistable: How an IR (Institutional Repository) can improve library collections while preserving the past" (2013) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/nat_debruin/4/