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About Nasser Kashou

Dr. Nasser Kashou is an associate professor in the Department of Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering at Wright State University (WSU) in Dayton, Ohio. In his previous position, he was the Director of Experimental Research in the Department of Radiology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH). He has been the chair of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) in Columbus, Ohio since 2008 and is an IEEE Senior Member. 
Dr. Nasser Kashou has provided strategic planning and leadership across multiple institutions by establishing and leading several research groups. He has mentored, supervised and led hundreds throughout his career. Although not typical of an engineer, he loves public speaking and giving presentations. His education and skills are cross discipline; spanning hardware, software, physiological and clinical aspects of research and development.
Specifically, Dr. Nasser Kashou has 15+ years of experience in medical imaging, image processing with focus primarily on neuroimaging, specifically in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Some of this has included functional NIRS (fNIRS), functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and volumetric analysis. His minor areas of specialization have been vision science and neuroscience and understanding both brain function and dysfunction. Patient populations of interest include those with mild traumatic brain injury, infantile nystagmus syndrome, convergence insufficiency, and other neurological diseases. He has served as an advisor and presented regularly for the Brain Health Alliance Virtual Institute (BHAVI).
He has established and directs the Image Analysis Lab (IAL) and fNIRS Lab. Dr. Nasser Kashou is versatile scientist with a unique expertise in that he is well versed in electrical and computer engineering as well as biomedical engineering. He is a scientist that understands and teaches the physics, math, programming, image registration, processing, hardware as well as physiology involved in neuroimaging (and imaging in general).
Dr. Nasser Kashou has been awarded the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) Outstanding Contributions in the Society’s area of Education. He has also been the recipient of the International Student Advocate Award, the Excellence in Teaching Award at WSU and the prestigious Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics Young Investigator Award for his holistic therapy brain research. His skills are interdisciplinary and comprehensive. Dr. Nasser Kashou has published three book chapters on fMRI and fNIRS and is the leading neuroimaging expert in the Dayton region.
In addition to his research and scholarly work, Dr. Nasser Kashou is passionate about global health. He has contributed to the advancement of global health worldwide. Dr. Nasser Kashou has demonstrated a proven commitment and consistent record of outstanding achievement in the areas of global health education, research, advocacy and service.
These are goals he has worked his entire career to achieve from his neonatal research in the USA to the development of infant incubators to be delivered to the Republic of Congo and Malawi so that infants can have a chance at a life. Below is a summary list of his global health work in low income rural communities:
Country:          Uganda
Project:            Solar panels medical clinic
Country:          Malawi
Project:            Installing x-ray system, rooms and certifying users, incubator
Country:          Congo
Project:            Designing, developing and delivering infant incubators
Country:          Rwanda
Project:            Surveying university medical equipment need and assistance
These are some examples of the global humanitarian contributions Dr. Nasser Kashou has made and continues to strive for (both locally and internationally). His next goals are to work on a project dedicated to advancing global health initiatives through the use of a low cost, portable and non-invasive neuroimaging technology in resource poor settings. He hopes to establish this in Central and Latin America.


2011 - 2021 Associate Professor, Wright State University ‐ Biomedical, Industrial, & Human Factors Engineering

Research Interests

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Medical Imaging, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Imaging Processing, Neuroimaging, Vision Science, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT), and Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)

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Honors and Awards

  • SBMT Young Investigator Award
  • International Student Advocate Award
  • IEEE Outstanding Contributions in the Society’s area of Education
  • Recipient of The Excellence in Teaching Award for Faculty


  • Processing of Medical Images
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  • Advanced Medical Imaging
  • Introduction to Computation
  • Clinical Engineering in the Developing World


PhD, The Ohio State University ‐ Department of Biomedical Engineering


Research Works (26)

Recent Works (1)

Contributions to Books (3)