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In Response.
Anesthesia and analgesia
  • Jacob Raphael
  • C David Mazer
  • Linda Shore-Lesserson
  • Bruce Bollen
  • Jerrold H Levy
  • Nanette M. Schwann, M.D., Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Sudhakar Subramani
  • Andrew Schroeder
  • Mohamed Abdalla
  • Renata Ferreira
  • Philip E Roman
  • Nichlesh Patel
  • Ian Welsby
  • Philip E Greilich
  • Reed Harvey
  • Marco Ranucci
  • Lori B Heller
  • Christa Boer
  • Andrew Wilkey
  • Steven E Hill
  • Gregory A Nuttall
  • Raja R Palvadi
  • Prakash A Patel
  • Barbara Wilkey
  • Brantley Gaitan
  • Shanna S Hill
  • Jenny Kwa
  • John Klick
  • James Abernathy
  • W Travis Lau
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Citation Information

Raphael, J., Mazer, C. D., Shore-Lesserson, L., Bollen, B., Levy, J. H., Schwann, N., Subramani, S., Schroeder, A., Abdalla, M., Ferreira, R., Roman, P. E., Patel, N., Welsby, I., Greilich, P. E., Harvey, R., Ranucci, M., Heller, L. B., Boer, C., Wilkey, A., Hill, S. E., … Blood Conservation Working Group and the Clinical Practice Improvement Committee of the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (2020). In Response. Anesthesia and analgesia, 130(5), e154–e156.