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Ultrasound Visualization vs. Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Interscalene and Axillary Nerve Block in Upper Extremity Surgery: A Prospective Randomized Trial
  • Joseph W Galassi, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Jodie Buxbaum, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • J John Collins, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Dorothy Hartman, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Michael He, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Farheen Hussain, MS, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Leslie Baga, BSN, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Sherrine Eid, MPH, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Mary Jane Cerrone, MSN, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Nanette M Schwann, M.D., Lehigh Valley Health Network
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Galassi, J., Buxbaum, J., Collins, J., Hartman, D., He, M., Hussain, F., Baga, L., Eid, S., Cerrone, M., & Schwann, N. (2010). Ultrasound visualization vs. electrical nerve stimulation for interscalene and axillary nerve block in upper extremity surgery: A prospective randomized trial. Anesthesia-Analgesia, 110(3).