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Pseudolus at the Ludimegalenses: Re-Creating Roman Comedy in Context
Classical Journal (2015)
  • Nancy Sultan
This is a post-production report on a student reenactment of the Roman Ludi Megalenses (Megalensia), including a ludus scaenicus, at Illinois Wesleyan University in May 2013. Students studied and re-created some of the rituals commonly associated in antiquity with the worship of the Magna Mater, including a procession of both Phrygian worshippers and Roman citizens and a staged reading of Plautus’ Pseudolus in Latin and English. We grappled with questions of text and metatheatricality, theatrical and sacred space, actors, music, movement, costumes (including masks), authenticity, audience reception and occasion. The reenactment allowed us to gain a unique historical perspective by “living history,” providing a laboratory for learning about ancient Roman ritual and theater practice.
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
The Classical Journal is published by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS).
Reprinted here with permission.
Citation Information
Nancy Sultan. "Pseudolus at the Ludimegalenses: Re-Creating Roman Comedy in Context" Classical Journal Vol. 111 Iss. 1 (2015) p. 99 - 111
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