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Predicting Continuing Acceptance of IT in Conditions of Sporadic Use
Accounting Faculty Research
  • E. Vance Wilson
  • En Mao
  • Nancy K. Lankton, Marshall University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

This paper tests a new predictive model of IT acceptance in conditions where use is characteristically sporadic. The model utilizes cognitive constructs from the well-known technology acceptance model (TAM) [8] in combination with habit and a new construct measuring perceived regularity of use. Initial tests indicate that the model explains several important effects of regularity and predicts substantially more of the variance in continuing acceptance than alternative models.


Presented at the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems.

Copyright © 2005 Association for Information Systems.

Citation Information
Wilson, E. Vance, Mao, En and Lankton, Nancy K., "Predicting Continuing Acceptance of IT in Conditions of Sporadic Use" (2005). AMCIS 2005 Proceedings. Paper 267.