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The Job Offer: A Role Play Activity on Culture in the Workplace
Journal of International Business Education (2015)
  • Nancy E Landrum
The growing interconnectedness of individuals, cultures, societies, countries, and regions underscores the necessity for students to increase their knowledge of the growing impact of culture in the workplace. A review of recent textbooks reveals discussions on cultural influence in the workplace but notes the lack of teaching activities on the topic. The teaching activity presented here incorporates Hofstede’s value dimensions (individualism, masculinity, power distance) as well as the variables of time and change in a role play activity that allows students to experience the influence of culture in the workplace. Students role play a job interview in which each student represents one of five assigned countries. Following the role play activity, students discuss Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and how they differ between each of the five assigned countries. This activity can be used at any course level and is particularly salient for students with limited intercultural exposure.
  • teaching tools,
  • role play,
  • workplace culture,
  • intercultural tolerance,
  • Hofstede,
  • job interview
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Author Posting © NeilsonJournals Publishing 2015. This article is posted here for personal use, not for redistribution. The article was published in the Journal of International Business Education, vol. 10, 2015,

Citation Information
Nancy E Landrum. "The Job Offer: A Role Play Activity on Culture in the Workplace" Journal of International Business Education Vol. 10 (2015) p. 269 - 290
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