Enhancing Extension Employee Coaching: Navigating the Triangular Relationship
Journal of Extension
Coaching Cooperative Extension employees is not easy but provides invaluable results. All three parties in the triangular coaching relationship--the coachee, the coach, and the organization--develop and grow from the process, in turn improving and sustaining the organization. The coaching process helps employees get to know themselves better, be more conscious about their way of being in the world, and contribute more fully to the work around them. This article addresses the importance of coaching employees, characteristics of good coaching, coaching risks, and tips for successful coaching of Cooperative Extension employees.
Publication Date
October, 2008
Publisher Statement
Copyright 2008 Extension Journal, Inc. Posted with permission.
Citation Information
Nancy K. Franz and Robin Weeks. "Enhancing Extension Employee Coaching: Navigating the Triangular Relationship" Journal of Extension Vol. 46 Iss. 5 (2008) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/nancy_franz/11/