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John Paul II: Assessing His Legacy: [Impact on American church]
  • Nancy Dallavalle, Fairfield University
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Part of a special section on the legacy of Pope John Paul II. The late pope will be remembered for his service as a public witness who, by the strength of his personality and intellect and the scope of his office, succeeded in attracting the world's attention. His interest in traveling ensured that, as pope, he reinforced the concept that Catholicism is a church of the world, both in breadth and, increasingly, in orientation. Pope John Paul II repeatedly turned to his opening line, “Be not afraid,” the commission given by Christ to those he called upon to carry on after his death. This should also be the Holy Father's epitaph.


Copyright 2005 Commonweal

Archived with permission from the copyright holder.

Original publication available on journal site at

Published Citation
Dallavalle, Nancy. “John Paul II: Assessing His Legacy: [Impact on American church],” Commonweal 132(8), (22 April 2005) 13-14.
Citation Information
Nancy Dallavalle. "John Paul II: Assessing His Legacy: [Impact on American church]" Commonweal Vol. 132 Iss. 8 (2005)
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