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Review of Transatlantic Anti-Catholicism: France And The United States In The Nineteenth Century by Timothy Verhoeven
Journal of Religious History (2014)
  • Nancy L. Schultz, Salem State University
Roman Catholicism has been a global religion for centuries and, in recent decades, Catholic Studies scholarship has begun examining ways that it continues to transcend national borders. Explorations of anti-Catholicism, however, have more often been limited to examinations of its strains within particular countries or regions: the United States, the United Kingdom, or in European countries.
Publication Date
January 20, 2014
Citation Information
Nancy L. Schultz. "Review of Transatlantic Anti-Catholicism: France And The United States In The Nineteenth Century by Timothy Verhoeven" Journal of Religious History Vol. 37 Iss. 4 (2014) p. 577 - 579
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