Matevosyan NR . Prädiktive Genauigkeit der Dopplersonographie im Ersttrimester: eine Metastudie (Predictive Accuracy of the First - Trimester Doppler Scan: A Meta Study)
Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift; 165 (9): 199-209
AIM: To determine sensitivity and cut-off indices of the Uterine Artery Doppler (AUD) in prediction of preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction (FGR).
METHODS: Seventy-six studies published in 1995-2014, present 298,329 prenatal Doppler screenings preformed in nullipara in the 1st and early 2nd trimesters of singleton pregnancies. The sample is stratified into four groups based on the Doppler sensitivity and specificity indices pertaining to the major clinical endpoints of the cohort.
RESULTS: The FGR diagnostic specificity (r = 0.728) and bilateral notching index (r = 0.803) correlations indicate that the AUD accuracy depends on the placental bed and the screening mode.
CONCLUSIONS: Predictive sensitivity of the AUD increases after 16 weeks + 3 days (115 days) of gestation. The best predictive parameter of preeclampsia and FGR is the placental-side uterine artery resistance index (RI) which confers to the highest means when the placenta is on the midline (OR 0.9).
- Prenatal Screening; Doppler Ultrasound; Placenta; Uterine Arteries; Preeclampsia; Fetal Growth Restriction
Publication Date
April, 2015
Citation Information
Naira Matevosyan. "Matevosyan NR . Prädiktive Genauigkeit der Dopplersonographie im Ersttrimester: eine Metastudie (Predictive Accuracy of the First - Trimester Doppler Scan: A Meta Study)" Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift; 165 (9): 199-209 Vol. DOI: 10.1007/s10354-015-0358-5 (2015) Available at: