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Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response as an Intervention to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal (2019)
  • Nafees Alam, Yeshiva University
  • Ariana Galante, College of Staten Island
Studies pertaining to Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) highlight the need for further research on ASMR and autism, paving the way for an increase in interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The therapeutic use of ASMR videos provide a significant improvement in mood and behavioral development. ASMR allows audiences to reap the benefits of soothing and calming sensations. Using ASMR as audiovisual therapy can serve as a notable component to early intervention, alleviating symptoms associated with meltdowns and struggles of emotional self-regulation. Accessibility is important, as are pre-assessments for Misophonia and other potential factors that may limit the benefits of ASMR. The creation of an app that has videos of ASMR readily available can allow quick access when needed. In addition, Spotify, YouTube, and iTunes can have ASMR playlists and channels, classifying them as a genre along with more online forums discussing this topic to promote awareness. The advancement of ASMR through further research can potentially benefit the autistic community with its vast array of possibilities. ASMR may be the next step in promoting self-care in assisting individuals diagnosed with ASD.
  • Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR),
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),
  • early intervention,
  • misophonia
Publication Date
September, 2019
Citation Information
Nafees Alam and Ariana Galante. "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response as an Intervention to Autism Spectrum Disorder" Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal Vol. 13 Iss. 2 (2019) ISSN: 2474-7688
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