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Save Myself Button
Student Leadership Exchange (SLX)
  • Rachel Mason, '20, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Ainsley Baldwin Zurek, '20, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Max Orr, '20, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Nafay Abdul, '20, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Room A119
Document Type
Social Entrepreneurship (SocEnt)
Start Date
11-4-2018 9:30 AM
End Date
11-4-2018 10:00 AM

Anxiety disorders affect 25.1% of children aged 13 to 18 in the US. These children face daily challenges due to their mental illness, even more so in school. It is estimated that only 40% of students with mental illness graduate High School compared with the 76% national graduation rate. Students with mental illness give presentations and have to participate in class discussions in order to succeed in school. However, their illness often makes it hard for them to complete these tasks. People who have anxiety disorders often experience negative physical effects when they are the center of attention or when they participate in public speaking, something that they are forced to participate in at school. When students experiences the symptoms of their anxiety disorder in school, they often cannot get the help that they need because they do not want to raise their hand and ask their teacher. Our solution is a button that students, who have problems with anxiety during school, can press that will communicate with their teacher, or another trusted adult in the school. Once the button communicates with the teacher, or another adult, they would dismiss the student to go to the nurse or counselor’s office. This button will be a discreet way for students to get the help they need and will let them temporarily get away from the triggers of their mental illness.

Citation Information
Rachel Mason, Ainsley Baldwin Zurek, Max Orr and Nafay Abdul. "Save Myself Button" (2018)
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