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Unpublished Paper
ARRB Data Resource CDRom [including many Australian Household interview surveys] (Unpublished)
Discussion Notes (1990)
  • Marcus R Wigan

This CD-Rom was to be the first to be produced by the Australian Road Research Board, and is designed to provide an introduction to the use of this new archival medium, and to ensure that the whole process of creating a more accessible and more readily supported method of issuing some of the work of ARRB, and was expected to be be bedded down to a routine process as far as possible, just as the authors earlier comprehensive work in creating a complete Microfiche archive of the entire publication body of the ARRB since its inception and establishing it a routine (but Quality Controlled by the author) process for many subsequent years. It was been created using a format which can be read on a wide variety of computers, and does not contain any embedded programs which would restrict the usage of the CD-Rom to a Single type of machine. This has also reduced the cost and complexity of the Rom, although the potentlal information retrieval performance on any particular machine has of course been severely reduced as a result. The samples of different forms of electronic optical publishing provided are sufficient to enable users and potentlal users to obtain a sense of the basic characteristics of the medium, and the author welcomes all user views on the directions in which performance should be optimised and whether the potential range of users should be altered as a result.
  • data publishing,
  • CDRom,
  • Household Interviews,
  • activity data,
  • travel data
Publication Date
Summer February 1, 1990
The data for this CDRom were collated in 1987, and permission to release the household interview data were all received by the date of this document. Before it could be produced and released, a change in research policy led to this last step of mastering and release not taking place in early 1990. However, as it would have been the very first data resource CDrom in Australia, this document is included here as being of some historical interest. The AURIN group is now seeking the basic HIS data that was to be included, and this is under way. Once completed, probably in 2018, a CDRom of this aspect of the Dn2010 Rom will be installed in Selected Works as an iso image for wide availability
Citation Information
Wigan, M.R. (1990) The ARRB Information Resource CDrom. Discussion Note DN2010, February. 34pp.
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