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Soft Vehicles Soft Roads Soft Transport V11pptx.pptx
23rd Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) World Congress (2016)
  • Marcus R Wigan
  • Scott Benjamin, Parsons Brinkerhoff
  • John Gaffney
Powerpoint Presentation for the paper with the following Abstract also on Selected Works:

Automated vehicles are part of a broader picture where the trade-offs between hardware, software and human interaction are blurred and it becomes much more difficult to distinguish between infrastructure, vehicle and person. We have chosen to express this as soft vehicles, soft infrastructure and soft transport. Governance will be increasingly be affected by these three interactions. Examples of this interaction is considered. Transferring control from the active driver to a mix of vehicle and infrastructure is under way. Autonomous vehicles are clearly simply the first step; and one that already creates problems for risk management. This might best be expressed in terms of Mobility Not Transport: and Activities and Services not just Movement. Concrete examples are the impending collision of increasing monitoring of road systems by sensors feeding traffic control applied to direct road movement management signals (soft roads), and the growth in autonomous vehicles reliant on GPS and sensors and massive processing becoming more dependent on a mix of software and communications. Overlaps and mergers of these and other aspects are inevitable, moving towards flexible sharing of the responsibilities for sensing, control and action. Consideration of autonomous vehicles need to travel under ‘their’ own steam in remote areas is important with potential reliance on a system like Galileo/Egnos and the communications and control available from the safety of life parameters of this system. Greater recognition and responsiveness by government is now clearly critical to decrease harm to the traveling public, increase transport efficiency and resilience of our transport networks.

  • Automated Vehicles,
  • Infrastructure,
  • Mobility,
  • Governance
Publication Date
Fall October 14, 2016
Melbourne Australia
Citation Information
Wigan, M.R., Benjamin, S., and Gaffney, J. (2016). Soft Vehicles Soft Roads Soft Transport . PPT. 23rd Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) World Congress.October. Melbourne Australia. Available at
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