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Pathogenic aortopathy genes are associated with faster thoracic aneurysm growth: Long term experience from the Aurora St. Luke's aortopathy clinic
Aurora Internal Medicine Residents
  • Viviana Zlochiver, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Xiaoxiao Qian, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Ana C Perez Moreno, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Michelle Bush, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Heather K Sanders, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Muhammad Fuad Jan, Advocate Aurora Health
  • A J Tajik, Advocate Aurora Health

Advocate Aurora Research Institute –CV Research

Internal Medicine

Advocate Aurora Health Cardiovascular Services

St. Luke’s Medical Center

Publication Date
Presentation Notes
Poster presented at: Aurora Scientific Day; May 20, 2020; virtual webinar hosted in Milwaukee, WI.
Document Type
Citation Information

Zlochiver V, Qian X, Perez Moreno A, Bush M, Sanders H, Fuad Jan M, Tajik AJ. Pathogenic aortopathy genes are associated with faster thoracic aneurysm growth: Long term experience from the Aurora St. Luke's aortopathy clinic. Poster presented at: Aurora Scientific Day; May 20, 2020; virtual webinar hosted in Milwaukee, WI.