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Effective & timely constructive feedback to residents; essential but often missing
AKU Symposium
  • Muhammed Tariq
  • Tabassum Zehra
CHS Tutorial Room 2 A & B
Start Date
25-1-2013 2:00 PM


Faculty often feels uncomfortable in providing direct, behaviorally based feedback on performance to the residents; however residents need effective & timely feedback on their performance to progress. Feedback is often very general and not helpful to the residents.


  1. Reflect on common feelings about giving feedback
  2. Demonstrate providing effective feedback
  3. Sensitizing the importance of verbal feedback
  4. Identify various challenges

Intended learning outcomes

The participants will be able to:

  1. Provide constructive feedback
  2. Realize the importance of writing explicit comments in the assessment forms.

Citation Information
Muhammed Tariq and Tabassum Zehra. "Effective & timely constructive feedback to residents; essential but often missing" (2013)
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