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Can Research be Taught?
Proc. of the 6th Conference on Canadian Design Engineering Network and the Canadian Congress on Engineering Education (CDEN/C2E2'09) (2009)
  • Dr. Mouhamed Abdulla, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • Prof. Yousef R. Shayan, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The word “researcher” is loaded and often confusing. It takes years to become one and to master all of its aspects. In this paper, we investigate whether or not this process of “becoming” can be catalyzed through education. The focus will be on wireless communications, though the same principle could very well be replicated to other disciplines.
  • Education,
  • Engineering Education,
  • Canadian Engineering Education,
  • Engineering School,
  • Pedagogy,
  • Pedagogy in Engineering,
  • Curriculum Development,
  • Teaching and Learning,
  • Learning Outcome,
  • Course Design,
  • Course Development,
  • Forward Design,
  • Backward Design,
  • Educational Projects,
  • CDIO,
  • Applied Learning,
  • Design,
  • Engineering Design,
  • Design Method,
  • Design Research,
  • Engineering Course,
  • Electrical Engineering,
  • Telecommunication,
  • Digital Communication,
  • Wireless Communication
Publication Date
Summer July 27, 2009
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster University)
Citation Information
M. Abdulla and Y. R. Shayan, "Can Research be Taught?," In Proc. of the 6th Conference on Canadian Design Engineering Network and the Canadian Congress on Engineering Education (CDEN/C2E2'09), pp. 288-292, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Jul. 27-29, 2009. Link:
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