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Invited EU Seminar: The Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Journey - Reflections and Interactions
European Research Day 2018 (ERD'18), EURAXESS North America, European Commission (2018)
  • Dr. Gerry C. van der Kamp-Alons, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • Dr. Cristina Florea, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
  • Dr. Martijn E. Wokke, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
  • Dr. Roy van der Meel, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Dr. Mouhamed Abdulla, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
European Research Day (ERD) is a one-day event that celebrates and promotes Europe as a hub for research and innovation. The event is designed so that European researchers outside of Europe meet, discuss and exchange concepts about their research projects, professional and personal experience in their respective diasporas and overall career path. It presents a unique networking opportunity through which they can meet researchers from their current regions to advance their careers and explore opportunities to collaborate.
The event is open to all European researchers and research administrators in North America, as well as current, previous and potential North American (Canada/US) researchers who have or would like to benefit from European research grants to further their careers, representatives from European Embassies, North American universities, industry & partners.

Objectives of the event:

  1. To promote ERA (European Research Area) as a pioneer in international collaboration for solving societal challenges.
  2. To promote EURAXESS as a gateway to ERA as well as the EURAXESS portal as a comprehensive tool and platform for research funding opportunities, partnerships and collaboration.
  3. To increase the EURAXESS North America membership base by offering targeted workshops to highlight the scope of services accessible through EURAXESS, including a one-hour workshop dedicated to proper use of portal and researcher’s profile.
  • Research,
  • Research Funding,
  • Grants,
  • Grant Proposals,
  • Government Funding,
  • European Commission,
  • Europe,
  • EU,
  • MSCA,
  • MCAA,
  • Marie-Curie,
  • Marie Skłodowska Curie Action,
  • Marie Curie Alumni Association,
  • USA,
  • Canada,
  • European Research Day,
  • ERD
Publication Date
Fall November 5, 2018
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Citation Information
M. Abdulla et al., "The Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Journey: Reflections and Interactions," European Research Day 201 8(ERD'18), EURAXESS North America, European Commission, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Nov. 05, 2018. [Invited talk, event held at Univ. of Ottawa] Link:
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