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Investigation of Electronic Holography using SPICE Computer Simulation Experiments
Doctoral Dissertation: University of Iowa
  • Monish Ranjan Chatterjee, University of Dayton
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Using SPICE experiments, it has been possible to verify most of the important aspects of electronic holography. The generation and properties of dynamic echoes under different types of nonlinearities have been extensively tested, and some new information has been garnered in the process. The case of pulse and generalized memory echoes has also been tested, and the results have been fairly satisfactory. Most of all, the simplicity with which the intriguing concept of memory echoes has translated into the circuit implementation on SPICE, and the closeness of the results to predicted behavior have been somewhat of a pleasant surprise.

Since the SPICE computer modeling experiments have been the main thrust of this research, we devote the remaining chapters in this thesis to detailed discussion of those experiments.

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University of Iowa
Place of Publication
Iowa City, Iowa
Citation Information
Monish Ranjan Chatterjee. "Investigation of Electronic Holography using SPICE Computer Simulation Experiments" Doctoral Dissertation: University of Iowa (1985)
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