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Chester Township Community Questionnaire Summary Report
Urban Publications
  • Kirby Date, Cleveland State University
  • Molly Schnoke, Cleveland State University
  • Rachel Lefebre
Document Type
Publication Date

The Center for Community Planning and Development at CSU’s Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs was engaged by Chester Township to assist with conducting a Community Questionnaire. CSU’s role was to work with the Township in developing the questionnaire; and then receiving and analyzing the responses. The questionnaire was mailed to all resident addresses in the Township in May of 2020; responses were received and analyzed during June, July and August. To keep the cost low, the questionnaire was not designed to be a statistically calibrated survey, but rather a questionnaire which would enable the community to get a sense of residents’ interests and desires with regard to the Township’s future.

Of 4,724 questionnaires mailed, 1,654 were returned and deemed valid, a 35% response rate. This is a very solid response rate indicative of residents’ high level of interest in participating in Township affairs and expressing their opinion. Questionnaires included both quantitative (multiple choice) questions and open-ended questions. All responses were analyzed by CSU and summarized in this report.

Citation Information
Kirby Date, Molly Schnoke and Rachel Lefebre. "Chester Township Community Questionnaire Summary Report" (2020) p. 1 - 195
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