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Unpublished Paper
After Creation Part 4 Addressee Criteria
  • M.J. Peterson
Part 4.  Addressee Criteria (2018)
              Inclusion Criteria
              Exclusion Criteria
This Part focuses on differences between definitions of member states eligible to receive financial resources from the World Bank and the IMF.  The World Bank began with a clear differentiation of members into “developed” and “developing,” though soon found it useful to further sub-divide the developing country members into groupings by per capita income level.  The IMF began with an understanding that countries could have a balance-of-payments surplus or balance-of-payments deficit, but these were viewed initially as temporary situations rather than as enduring country characteristics.  The greater prominence of development issues brought the more persistent “developed”- “developing” differentiation to the fore, though IMF routines long resisted institutionalizing it extensively.
  • international organizations,
  • world bank,
  • IMF,
  • authority in world politics
Publication Date
Citation Information
M.J. Peterson. "After Creation Part 4 Addressee Criteria" (2022)
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