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Multi-Group Labor-Management Negotiations: Model and Case Study
Journal on Policy and Complex Systems (2020)
  • Sanda Kaufman
  • Maria Koutzovoulou
  • Miron Kaufman
This interdisciplinary work examines the complex process of negotiating labor relations in
general, and in the specific context of France. Drawing on social identity theory, we use a
dynamic, multiplex network model to capture interactions between several groups of labor
relations actors. At one multiplex level, union members interact with each other and with their
representatives; at a second level, management negotiators interact with unions’ negotiators.
Government regulations and internal organizational factors form the negotiations context,
which can affect the negotiation process and outcomes. We map the multiple interactions in
time under different contextual conditions—scenarios—enabling parties to explore various
strategies and their expected results, and to develop ways to attain or avoid them.
To illustrate the model’s potential, we focus here on a Major European Industrial company
(MEI) active in four European countries. We collect MEI-specific labor relations data through
participatory observation, and interviews at the French site. We estimate MEI-specific model
parameters and generate scenarios of conflict trajectories and outcomes for this case under
several contextual assumptions.
Publication Date
Spring 2020
Citation Information
Sanda Kaufman, Maria Koutzovoulou and Miron Kaufman. "Multi-Group Labor-Management Negotiations: Model and Case Study" Journal on Policy and Complex Systems Vol. 6 Iss. 1 (2020) p. 51 - 71
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