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Multi Group Conflict Paths
Journal on Policy and Complex Systems (2019)
  • Miron Kaufman
  • Sanda Kaufman, Cleveland State University
  • Hung T. Diep
We explore intractable social conflicts in various contexts where
unexpected outcomes can be costly and/or violent. We extend a
network model of two-group conflict dynamics to multiple groups.
We study the time dependence of the groups’ mean attitudes, using
mean-field theory. We incorporate contextual characteristics that
alter the group dynamics. We find that in time, regardless of initial
conditions, the paths followed by the groups’ mean attitudes converge
to a multi-dimensional attractor. Small differences in initial
conditions do not diminish or diverge exponentially over time, but
instead generate stable oscillations. We offer examples for which
the model could be used to construct scenarios of conflict paths in
time and we examine how context changes might affect these paths
and in-group attitudes. The scenarios can inform the strategies that
groups might select to contend with each other.
  • social networks; social physics of conflicts; group cohesion; intra- and inter-group interactions; group decisions; collective behaviors
Publication Date
Fall 2019
Citation Information
Miron Kaufman, Sanda Kaufman and Hung T. Diep. "Multi Group Conflict Paths" Journal on Policy and Complex Systems Vol. 5 Iss. 2 (2019) p. 5 - 21
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