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Harvesting influences functional identity and diversity over time in forests of the northeastern U.S.A.
Forest Ecology and Management (2017)
  • Miranda Curzon, University of Minnesota
  • Anthony W D'Amato, University of Vermont
  • Shawn Fraver, University of Maine
  • Brian J. Palik, United States Department of Agriculture
  • A. Bottero, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest
  • J.R. Foster, University of Minnesota
  • K.E. Gleason, Desert Research Institute
Concern over global environmental change and associated uncertainty has given rise to greater emphasis
on fostering resilience through forest management. We examined the impact of standard silvicultural
systems (including clearcutting, shelterwood, and selection) compared with unharvested controls on tree
functional identity and functional diversity in three forest types distributed across the northeastern
United States. Sites included the Argonne, Bartlett, and Penobscot Experimental Forests located in
Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Maine, respectively. We quantified functional trait means for leaf mass
per area, specific gravity, maximum height, height achieved at 20 years, seed mass, drought tolerance,
shade tolerance, and flood tolerance as well as standard functional diversity measures from standing biomass
reconstructed at the beginning and end of a 20-year study period using increment cores and historic
inventory data. As expected, functional identity differed between harvest methods with means for plant
traits associated with later stages of succession (e.g. shade tolerance) increasing in stands managed with
selection systems. Opposite trends occurred with greater canopy disturbance, and functional diversity
indices remained stable over time in the absence of disturbance. Estimates of functional diversity and
functional identity hold promise as important approaches for evaluating outcomes of forest management,
particularly as the connections among functional diversity, delivery of ecosystem services, and ecosystem
resilience are further developed.
  • Functional diversity,
  • Silviculture,
  • Temperate forest,
  • Disturbance,
  • Functional identity
Publication Date
June 9, 2017
Publisher Statement
copyrighted 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Citation Information
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