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Perspectives on Teachers as Digital Library Users: Consumers, Contributors, and Designers
D-Lib Magazine
  • Mimi Recker, Utah State University
Document Type
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Publication Date

"...freed of the constraints of physical space and media, digital libraries can be more adaptive and reflective of the communities they serve. They should be collaborative, allowing users to contribute knowledge to the library, either actively through annotations, reviews, and the like, or passively through their patterns of resource use. In addition, they should be contextual, expressing the expanding web of inter-relationships and layers of knowledge that extend among selected primary resources. In this manner, the core of the digital library should be an evolving information base, weaving together professional selection and the 'wisdom of crowds.'" (Lagoze, Krafft, Payette, & Jesuroga, 2005)

Citation Information
Recker, M. (2006). Perspectives on Teachers as Digital Library Users: Consumers, Contributors, and Designers. D-Lib Magazine, 12(9).