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Spatial Accessibility and Equity Analysis of Amazon Parcel Lockers Facilities
Journal of Transport Geography
  • Jaclyn S. Schaefer, Portland State University
  • Miguel Figliozzi, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Freight transportation,
  • Freight and freightage -- Oregon -- Planning

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the growth of e-commerce and home 32 deliveries. Automated parcel lockers are a way to improve delivery efficiency, but despite their 33 rapid growth, little is known about their accessibility and equity impacts. Among e-commerce 34 players in the U.S., Amazon stands out by its large market share. This research studies the 35 location of Amazon lockers in Portland, Oregon utilizing highway, land use, employment, and 36 sociodemographic datasets. Geographical tools and cluster analysis are utilized to estimate 37 accessibility and equity metrics. Lockers tend to be located in mixed-use areas and can be 38 utilized by a large percentage of the population. However, the equity metrics indicate that the current distribution of lockers could be improved to reach traditionally underserved populations. Given the environmental and economic advantages of lockers, policymakers should encourage the expansion of this type of last mile solution to avoid market failures in areas that are currently underserved.


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Citation Information
Schaefer, J. and Figliozzi, M. (2021). “Spatial Accessibility and Equity Analysis of Amazon 24 Parcel Lockers Facilities”. Journal of Transport Geography, Forthcoming.