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Unpublished Paper
Modeling and Analyzing the Impact of Advanced Technologies on Livability and Multimodal Transportation Performance Measures in Arterial Corridors: Phase 2
TREC Final Reports
  • Miguel A. Figliozzi, Portland State University
  • Chawalit Tipagornwong, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Pedestrians -- Attitudes,
  • Signalized intersections -- Research,
  • Traffic flow -- Research,
  • Automobile drivers -- Behavior -- Analysis,
  • Pedestrians -- Safety measures -- Technological innovations

Transportation corridors are complex systems. Tradeoffs, particularly in terms of traffic mobility, transit performance, accessibility and pedestrian interactions, are not well understood.When the focus is on motorized vehicle mobility and throughput, high traffic or vehicle speeds are desirable because at high speeds more vehicles can flow per unit of time and roadway section. However, high traffic/vehicles speeds are not desirable for pedestrians who have to cross urban arterials. In particular, pedestrians can be highly vulnerable at unsignalized, marked crosswalks where pedestrians have the right of way but where drivers’ yield rates are significantly lower than at signalized intersections. Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users, and safe and comfortable crosswalks are essential to ensure that pedestrian travel becomes an appealing alternative.

Since pedestrians are particularly vulnerable when drivers do not yield at crosswalks, the focus of this research is to understand the factors that are associated with low yield rates or crosswalk law non-compliance. In this context, the goal of this research is to study the traffic speed and vehicle trajectory factors that affect crosswalk law compliance and stopping distance from the crosswalk. The results of this research provide new insights into the relationships between traffic conditions, vehicle trajectory and compliance rates. Results indicate that vehicle origin, vehicle type, stopping at upstream traffic lights, and changes in vehicle speed and headways are key factors to predict pedestrian crosswalk law compliance and stopping behavior; changes in vehicle speed and headways have the highest explanatory power.


This is a final report, NITC-RR-760, from the NITC program of TREC at Portland State University, and may be found online at

The final report of Phase I of this research can be accessed at

The project brief associated with this record can be accessed at:

Persistent Identifier
Citation Information
Figliozzi, Miguel A. Modeling and Analyzing the Impact of Advanced Technologies on Livability and Multimodal Transportation Performance Measures in Arterial Corridors, Phase 2. NITCRR-760. Portland, OR: Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC), 2017.