Unpublished Paper
QOZs in the Big Easy: A study of Qualified Opportunity Zones in New Orleans
The MURP 4005/5005 Introduction to Neighborhood Planning course provided service learning to HousingNOLA whose Executive Director is Ms. Andreanecia Morris. HousingNOLA focuses on issues that relate to housing, employment, socio-economic development, community engagement, public policy and strategic uses of data to empower individuals and enrich the non-profit, public and private sectors. The course provided an introduction to neighborhood issues that HousingNOLA cares about and strives to make better: community involvement in the planning process. The focus of the project research was on US Federal Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) and how this national policy has been deployed in New Orleans, LA . This report may be used a template to guide general research for a non-profit developer who is working in a priority QOZ census tract. The research being done by the University of New Orleans MURP 4005/5005 Introduction to Neighborhood Planning "QOZ Analysts" will serve as a ‘first look’ from national to state to local perspectives. The "QOZs in the Big Easy: A study of Qualified Opportunity Zones in New Orleans" report was developed to engage community, and philanthropy such as the Greater New Orleans Foundation, as well as, inform municipal government such as the City of New Orleans Mayors’ Office, New Orleans City Council, New Orleans Business Alliance (who is leading the development of a QOZ strategic plan), the Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO), Hammond Historic District Commission, and the State Office of Community & Economic Development. Additional resources includes a QOZ 'FAQ' , step-by-step geospatial analysis tools for map making and socio-economic profiles development and the most recent US Treasury guidelines for creation of QOZ funds and community reinvestment practices.
- qualified opportunity zones,
- economic development,
- community development finance,
- neighborhood planning
Publication Date
Spring May 9, 2019
QOZs in the Big Easy: A study of Qualified Opportunity Zones in New Orleans
Citation Information
Michelle M. Thompson, Jeralee Berube-Daigneault, Nicole J Coleman, Samantha romain, et al.. "QOZs in the Big Easy: A study of Qualified Opportunity Zones in New Orleans" (2019) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/michelle_m_thompson/81/
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