Popular Press
Financial Inclusion & Citizen Participation Project: Bridging the data gap for low-income communities
How can we gain a comprehensive understanding of the economic life of low- and moderate-income communities and those experiencing disinvestment and limited growth? Middle- and upper-income communities employ a higher use of traditional financial services, electronic payments via credit/debit cards, and online banking. Given their engagement in these formal financial systems, information on the spending patterns of middle- and upper-income communities is better understood. Information on the economic life and spending power of low- and moderate-income communities is limited due to greater use of cash, the prevalence of alternative financial services providers, and the limited incentives to conduct a comprehensive analysis of market potential.
- financial inclusion,
- economic development,
- equity,
- citizen participation
Publication Date
Winter February 8, 2018
Citation Information
Michelle M. Thompson. "Financial Inclusion & Citizen Participation Project: Bridging the data gap for low-income communities" https://www.newamerica.org/public-interest-technology/blog/financial-inclusion-citizen-participation-project-bridging-data-gap-low-income-communities/ (2018) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/michelle_m_thompson/79/
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