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The Use of a World Wide Web-Based Consultation Site to Provide Support to Telephone Staff in a Traumatic Brain Injury Demonstration Project
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
  • Kathleen R. Bell
  • Peter Esselman
  • Michelle D. Garner, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Jason Doctor
  • Charles Bombardier
  • Kurt Johnson
  • Nancy Temkin
  • Sureyya Dikmen
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OBJECTIVES: Distance from expertise in traumatic brain injury (TBI) is often an impediment to appropriate TBI care from local health care providers, especially in rural areas. To overcome this barrier to care and to support a randomized, controlled trial of telephone follow-up after discharge from acute rehabilitation, we demonstrated the use of a confidential consultation Web site to provide expert recommendations and advice to front-line telephone staff at a different site. CONCLUSIONS: This use of Internet communication proved convenient to all users, improved client confidence, and served as an excellent training tool to less experienced staff. In addition, use of a Web-based consultation method provided for archiving of all discussions for later review.

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Citation Information
Kathleen R. Bell, Peter Esselman, Michelle D. Garner, Jason Doctor, et al.. "The Use of a World Wide Web-Based Consultation Site to Provide Support to Telephone Staff in a Traumatic Brain Injury Demonstration Project" The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation Vol. 18 Iss. 6 (2003) p. 504 - 511
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