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Natural Ecosystems II- Aquatic Ecosystems
Rocky Mountain/Great Basin Regional Climate Change Assessment. Report for the U.S. Global Change Research Program (2003)
  • Michelle A. Baker, Utah State University
  • ecosystems,
  • aquatic
Publication Date
Wagner, F.H.
Report for the U.S. Global Change Research Program
Citation Information
Covich, A.P., M.A. Baker, R. Behneke, D.W. Blinn, L.M. Carter, J. Chambers, T.A. Crowl, J.P. Dobrowolski, C.P. Hawkins, C. Luecke, J. Miller, L.N. Poff, F.J. Rahel, J.C. Schmidt, S.Selby, A.L. Sheldon, M. Vinson, and F.H. Wagner. 2003. Natural Ecosystems II- Aquatic Ecosystems. Pages 185-205 in Wagner, F.H. (Ed.). Rocky Mountain/Great Basin Regional Climate Change Assessment. Report for the U.S. Global Change Research Program. Logan, UT.