Story Writing in the Accounting Classroom
The Accounting Educators' Journal
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A story is an established method of communicating fact, fiction, parable, and myth from cultural generation to generation. Is it possible to actively engage accounting students with content when the student becomes the storywriter? Can story writing by the student be an effective teaching tool, and should accounting professors consider its use in their classrooms? This archival research seeks to review the literature regarding the value of story writing as a pedagogical tool across academic disciplines in higher education, synthesize the findings of existing research and describe the uses, benefits and difficulties with using story writing in various accountancy classes across the curriculum.
Citation Information
Michelle Freeman and Mark Friedman. "Story Writing in the Accounting Classroom" The Accounting Educators' Journal Vol. 30 (2020) p. 67 - 86 ISSN: 1041-0392 Available at:
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