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About Michele Ruth Gamburd

Michele Ruth Gamburd is Professor of Anthropology at Portland State University. A cultural anthropologist, she focuses on issues of power, politics, and identity in a Sinhala-speaking village in southwestern Sri Lanka. She writes about gender, family relations, and power struggles in The Kitchen Spoon’s Handle: Transnationalism and Sri Lanka’s Migrant Housemaids (2000) and Breaking the Ashes: The Culture of Illicit Liquor in Sri Lanka (2008). She explores humanitarian aid, class hierarchies, and disaster diplomacy in The Golden Wave: Culture and Politics after Sri Lanka’s Tsunami Disaster (2013) and in a volume (co-edited with Dennis B. McGilvray) entitled Tsunami Recovery in Sri Lanka: Ethnic and Regional Dimensions (2010). Her most recent book, Linked Lives: Elder Care, Migration, and Kinship in Sri Lanka (2021), addresses issues of aging, demographic transformation, and changing intergenerational obligations in rural families. 


September 2008 - Present Professor, Portland State University Anthropology
January 2012 - 2017 Chair, Portland State University Anthropology

Curriculum Vitae

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Contact Information

Phone: +1-503-725-3317
Skype: michele.gamburd
Mail: Anthropology Department
Portland State University
P.O. Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751 USA


Contributions to Books (15)

Book Reviews (15)