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Book Review of, Dhana Hughes. Violence, Torture and Memory in Sri Lanka: Life after Terror, and Gordon Weiss. The Cage: The Fight for Sri Lanka and the Last Days of the Tamil Tigers
Asian Ethnology
  • Michele Ruth Gamburd, Portland State University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
  • Books -- Reviews,
  • Sri Lanka

Reviews the books "Violence, Torture and Memory in Sri Lanka: Life after Terror" by Dhana Hughes and "The Cage: The Fight for Sri Lanka and the Last Days of the Tamil Tigers" by Gordon Weiss


This is the publisher's final PDF. Article appears in Asian Ethnology and can be found online at:

Persistent Identifier
Citation Information
Gamburd, M. (2014). Review of: Dhana Hughes. Violence, Torture and Memory in Sri Lanka: Life after Terror, and Gordon Weiss. The Cage: The Fight for Sri Lanka and the Last Days of the Tamil Tigers [352–356] Vol 73:1-2.